I ran downstairs and hollered through the door to ask who it was. A woman from my bunco group answered back, and I freaked out before reluctantly letting her in. "So you're not having a purse party tonight?” she asked. Another bunco player had sent her an email that "Sandy" was having a purse party, but it was another Sandy, someone they knew from work. I was standing there in tan slacks with bleach marks on them, a light blue terry cloth summer top (gets hot when I'm carting big boxes up and down the stairs), with no makeup and no bra.
I was so embarrassed that I wouldn't even turn on the hallway light! I told her we could sit and talk in the family room, but there were ornament boxes covering every surface, since I was starting to undecorate the 12-foot tree. I didn't want to bring her anywhere near the kitchen, because I had started cleaning the bird cages, and there were pellets, seed and feathers on the floor. Plus the kitchen table had piles of mail, magazines and newspapers on it. What a mess!
She was embarrassed, too, having shown up at the wrong house, and ended up leaving after just a few minutes. But I feel like a jerk about it. I've got to learn to just chill out when stuff like that happens and not be so concerned about the house or how I look! I would’ve really enjoyed taking a break from the work and spending an hour catching up with her. I missed an opportunity to laugh at myself and enjoy good company.
So I’m making a change – from now on, I’m just going with the flow. (We’ll see how that works out!)
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