At least, this time I didn’t embarrass myself like I did last month. I had bought two phalaenopsis orchids for $15 each at Costco. A few days later, I saw two more exotic varieties on the same cart, mixed in with the remaining phalaenopsis plants. It had been years since I’d seen either one in a store, and I couldn’t believe my luck! I was in a hurry, so I scooped them up and went to the check-out, wrapping them gently for protection from the cold weather.
When I got them home, I took them to the basement, watered them and wondered what kind of idiot would sell an orchid in a pot with no hole in the bottom. Then I realized, to my horror, that the damned plants were the best artificial orchids I’ve ever seen! I was mortified. I’m a Master Gardener, for God’s sake!
I propped them upside down to let the water completely drain, so the things would dry out. And then I took them back to Costco for a refund. The Customer Service clerk cracked up when I told her that I’d mistaken them for real. I should probably keep these stories to myself, but telling them keeps me humble . . . very humble!
This is too funny! I'm starting from the bottom and working my way up! I KNEW I wanted to read your blogs...LMAO!!! I didn't hear about this one! hahahaha!!!!!
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