We went to a quaint little restaurant, Zinc, in Sandusky (http://www.zincbrasserie.net/ - if you’re ever in Sandusky, you simply must try this place). Our meals were excellent. I had a Cuban Panini, because I saw one on Oprah and have wanted to try it ever since. The Sues had fish tacos (still can’t get my mind around fish on a taco, but maybe I’ll try it one day.) Then we headed back to the house for a fantastic dessert and an opportunity to catch up on events in our kids’ lives (much more exciting than mine, at this point).
And it just happens that I’m seeing friends Thursday, Friday (twice) and Sunday. Plus, my husband and I will be attending a Ramadan feast on Saturday at the home of Indian friends. This is an unusually friend-filled week, and I love it.
For me, close friends are family. I can be completely open with them, without fear of being judged. If I ask for their honest opinions, that’s what I’ll get. And we can disagree on just about anything, without any negative aftertaste. And when I’m with them, I feel emotionally nourished and just plain high on life, a real endorphin hit.
Don’t get me wrong – family can be fantastic, too, and I love holidays and get-togethers. But sometimes the baggage outweighs the joy, if you know what I mean. And that just doesn’t happen with close friends. After all, we chose each other!
So here’s to my good friends, my extended family - you help me get over all the bumps in the dirt roads of life!
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