My past work experience included a little of everything. I worked in retail at 16, banking at 18 and as a legal secretary at 19. Then, when I was 22 and had just over a year’s worth of college, I was hired by an auto company. Because I hadn’t yet completed a degree, I was lucky to get the job, even though I probably would have chosen a position in Human Resources or Procurement, rather than Treasury. As it turned out, though, I spent several years working with auto dealers and suppliers, which I thoroughly enjoyed.
As time passed, I earned both my undergrad in finance and an MBA from Wayne State University. (I will be forever grateful to the Company for my education.) I worked my way through at least nine different positions in my department and ended up spending my last years with the automaker in finance. I found the jobs in finance to be less enjoyable and fulfilling than those I held in Treasury. So I knew that my second career would not involve quarterly accounting closes!
I want something that will benefit from my experience and my strengths. I figure if the job uses what I have to offer, I’ll feel good about the contribution I make. And Oakland U. might just be the perfect place for me. It has the interpersonal contacts (students and staff) that I enjoy. All three of the jobs in which I’m interested involve writing, which I love. And it’s a dynamic environment in which I could build upon my education and computer skills.
But why would Oakland University want me? Because I’m conscientious and diligent, and I work my butt off. Also, I’m dedicated and take my work seriously. I learn quickly, enjoy solving problems and can work harmoniously with pretty much anyone. And if I got in at O.U., I might just be their happiest employee. Now that would be a real asset.
Come on, O.U., just give me an interview – that’s all I ask!
Well, thank you.
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